Tomáš Kadlec

Kto by uz z našich končín nepoznal toho vysokého a ultra chudého típka s cčernymi vlasmi a zvláštnym zmyslom pre humor? Hral v kapele xHorrid Wagex, ultra vegan straight edge úderka hrajúca v 90tych rokoch. Spoločne s Michalom rozbehli Fluff Fest a neskoršie Fluff wheels. Niečo o tomto chlapíkovi a jeho aktivitách si môžete prečítať… Read More Tomáš Kadlec

New winds

Slovensky text ide po anglickom.New winds definitely left me speechless when I saw them for the first time at the Fluff fest. I had to interview them for my Limokid zine right after the gig. This is short interview with them as my English at the time was pretty lame and I could not ask… Read More New winds